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NGS library prep solutions

Tecan offers innovative library preparation solutions for a broad range of sample types and inputs as low as 10 pg for DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq.

With unique technologies for rRNA depletion (AnyDeplete®), library quantification (NuQuant®), SNP genotyping (SPET™) and pathogen detection (SPIA®), Tecan offers library prep kits applicable for a variety of NGS applications.

NGS library preparation for a broad range of sample types

Tab 01 / MagicPrep NGS

It's not Magic, it just looks that way! 

NGS library prep at the press of a button – the compact answer to tedious manual prep work

MagicPrep NGS is a complete, automated solution for NGS library preparation, all in a simple benchtop system. This system utilizes cartridge-based reagents and consumables so that a MagicPrep NGS run can be started in less than 10 minutes. No need for mixing or aliquoting, just add your samples and go!

Combining unprecedented ease of use with proven and robust technologies, Tecan’s new MagicPrep NGS system achieves over 97 percent reliability. The system minimizes the possibility of user errors while offering consistent, reproducible results. Let the MagicPrep NGS system generate your NGS libraries while you focus on your next experiment.

Key benefits of MagicPrep NGS

  • >99% mean success rate*. Confidently generate NGS libraries with push button ease. The prealiquoted reagents, pre-optimized scripts, and robust automation provide a reliable solution for library preparation with minimal errors.
  • Set up a run in 10 minutes. Spending hours or days on manual pipetting is over. Start a MagicPrep NGS run in less than 10 minutes and then just walk away.
  • No installation. No scripting. No master mixes. Just Magic. Eliminate costly mistakes during library preparation with optimized reagents, consumables and simple setup for error-proof operation and consistent data. Anyone can do it.


Let MagicPrep NGS take care of making NGS libraries while you focus on your next breakthrough.

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* Success rate is based on mean internal data. Sample quality and variability may have an impact on the success rate. For more information, visit www.tecan.com/magicprep-ngs/reliability 
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Tab 02 / DNA-Seq


What is DNA-Seq?

DNA-Seq is a technique used to determine information across the entire genome. This technique provides insight into the instructions for building an organism, understanding of genetic function or evolutionary changes.

Benefits of DNA-Seq?

DNA-Seq is useful to apply in many scientific areas including medical, agricultural, food, and biological sciences. DNA-Seq can be used for:

      • Identifying new genes and mutations
      • Increasing genome resolution
      • Estimating bacterial metabolic pathways
      • Revealing entire new families of enzymes and microbial metabolic pathways previously unknown
      • Identifying organisms or individuals in environmental samples
      • Estimating the population structure and size of wild species

DNA-Seq library preparation solutions provide kits combining library preparation, library quantification NuQuant, and DimerFree® adaptor ligation in an integrated workflow.

DNA-Seq applications with Tecan Kits:

Tecan's DNA-Seq library preparation kits are used globally by researchers in different scientific fields, with multiple peer-reviewed publications.

Whole Genome

Innovative solution to streamline whole genome sequencing library preparation and quantification

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Exome Sequencing

Higher yields, better uniformity of coverage, and tunable fragmentation

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Allow investigation of direct methylation of DNA via bisulfite sequencing 

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Ultralow inputs

Supports a broad range of DNA inputs as low as 10 pg of varying quality

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Complete microbiome solutions

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Prepare ChIP libraries from very low amounts of starting material

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Tecan's DNA sequencing portfolio features a host of proprietary workflow enhancements that simplify the process, reduce time, and improve the quality of the DNA sequencing data. With innovative technologies leading to faster, more sensitive DNA sequencing, our DNA-Seq library prep kits enable various inputs and workflows that generate high-quality sequencing data regardless of the sample source.

    • Ability to multiplex a large number of samples
    • Efficient sequencing of low complexity samples with diversity adaptors
    • Solutions for whole genome and targeted library construction for fresh/frozen, liquid biopsy, FFPE and ChIP samples
    • Ideal starting point for downstream target enrichment applications
    • PCR free workflows with tunable enzymatic fragmentation

DNA-SeqCelero™ DNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit

Simple DNA-Seq library preparation kit that enables library construction in three steps. NuQuant library quantification technology included providing accurate library molarity in seconds.

Ultralow System V2

The DNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit offering fast and scalable production of NGS libraries from degraded samples as low as 10 pg.

Tab 03 / RNA-Seq

RNA Sequencing

What is RNA-seq?

RNA-Seq is a powerful technique that can examine the presence and quantity of RNA in samples by using next-generation sequencing (NGS).

This tool is able to provide insight into the transcriptome of the cell by using high-throughput sequencing methods. It can facilitate research in gene expression, novel genes (or transcripts) discovery, splicing, and mutation analysis.

Benefits of RNA-seq?

Compared to gene expression microarrays and qPCR, RNA-Seq offers a broad range of advantages.

  • First sequencing-based method that allows the intact transcriptome to be surveyed in a very high-throughput and quantitative manner
  • Ability to simultaneously map transcribed regions and gene expression
  • High range of gene expression detection level (>8,000-fold)
  • Applicable for a wide range of RNA samples with a broad range of input amount, including access to degraded samples such as FFPE

RNA-Seq is useful to apply in many scientific areas, including medical, agricultural, food, and biological sciences. RNA-Seq can be used for differential gene expression, variation detection, allele-specific expression, systems biology, and single-cell analysis.

RNA-Seq applications with Tecan Kits:

Tecan's RNA-Seq library preparation kits are used globally by researchers in different scientific fields, with multiple peer-reviewed publications.

Gene expression

An all-in-one solution for RNA-Seq studies.

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Identify more bacterial species by reducing eukaryotic bias.

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Pathogen detection

High-sensitive detection from mixed samples.

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Find rare transcripts from challenging sample types.

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Whole blood

Maximize your sequencing results in blood samples by eliminating unwanted globin reads.

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Customized rRNA depletion

Customized kit for your experiment!

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Tecan's RNA-Seq library preparation kits are used globally by researchers in different scientific fields, with multiple peer-reviewed publications. The library preparation kits provide the first complete solution, combining library preparation, targeted transcript depletion (AnyDeplete®), library quantification (NuQuant®), and DimerFree adaptor ligation in a fully integrated workflow.

  • Multiplex a large number of samples
  • Customized transcript depletion for any organism
  • Save time and resources on library quantification with integrated QC technology
  • Detect rare transcripts or pathogens from challenging samples using our unique amplification technology

Use the RNA-Seq selection guide to find the right kit for your application

RNA-SeqRevelo™ RNA-Seq High Sensitivity library preparation kit

Revelo RNA-Seq High Sensitivity library preparation solutions combine proprietary technologies to provide a streamlined solution for whole transcriptome RNA-seq from low-input or poor quality samples for rare transcript detection and unbiased pathogen discovery.

RNA-Seq Universal Plus mRNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit with NuQuant

Streamlined solution for mRNA-Seq library preparation for sequencing on Illumina sequencers. This kit features a broad input range, UDI, and simple library quantification with NuQuant.

RNA-Seq Universal Plus Total RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit with NuQuant

Streamlined solution for total RNA-Seq library preparation for sequencing on Illumina sequencers. This kit features broad input range, UDI adaptors, rRNA depletion with AnyDeplete and simple library quantification with NuQuant.

RNA-Seq Ovation® SoLo RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit

The SoLo RNA-Seq System is the only whole transcriptome solution integrated with rRNA depletion for ultra-low input transcriptomic studies.

RNA-Seq Ovation® RNA-Seq System V2

Single Primer Isothermal Amplification (SPIA) technology provides industry leading whole transcriptome reverse transcription and cDNA amplification for low input and degraded RNA samples. The amplified cDNA can be used in a range of applications from NGS library prep and qPCR to sample archiving.

Tab 04 / Targeted Genotyping

Targeted Genotyping

Tecan’s Allegro® Targeted Genotyping provides a fast, scalable, cost-effective approach for targeted genotyping-by-sequencing on a wide variety of organisms using NGS.

This workflow combines three core technologies to enable efficient SNP interrogation:

  • Enzymatic fragmentation – integrated for ease of use and automation
  • DimerFree ligation – eliminates adaptor dimer formation
  • Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) – for targeted SNP interrogation

Allegro offers high sample multiplexing capabilities, the ability to interrogate over 100,000 SNPs in a single assay, and flexible design possibilities for targeting new markers.

  • Simple, single-tube assay that can be completed in less than 24 hours
  • Optimal probe placement for more effient sequencing
  • Independent probes provide validation of each SNP
  • Ability to multiplex up to 3,072 libraries with the Allegro Metaplex Module
  • Flexible panel designs for any sequenced genome

Target EnrichmentAllegro Targeted Genotyping V2

Allegro provides a fast, scalable, cost-effective approach to perform targeted genotyping-by-sequencing with the ability to interrogate over 100,000 SNPs in a single assay on a wide variety of organisms using next generation sequencing.

Tab 05 / Automation


Tecan Automation Solutions have been developed to streamline sample preparation technologies for NGS and other genomic assays in the Tecan portfolio.

DreamPrep™ NGS — Walkaway automation solution for NGS library prep

DreamPrep NGS is Tecan's fully optimized solution for walkaway NGS library prep and QC on the Tecan Fluent® Automation Workstation. This system minimizes manual intervention, saving time and delivering consistent, sequencing-ready libraries for a wide range of research applications.

Automation solutions for NGS library prep with other automation platforms

The simplicity and robustness of Tecan's protocols enable automation on a variety of platforms. Tecan's automation scientists work closely with each customer to produce automation control software scripts to meet individual needs. Please contact us to implement Tecan workflows on your favorite automation platform today.

Platform Fluent® Freedom EVO® PE Sciclone NGS and NGSx Beckman Biomek FXp Beckman i7 Agilent Bravo
Universal Plus mRNA-Seq with NuQuant
Universal Plus Total RNA-Seq with NuQuant        
Ovation RNA-Seq System V2    
Celero DNA-Seq
Allegro Targeted Genotyping V2        
Ovation Ultralow System V2    
Revelo RNA-Seq library preparation kit          

Note: Our automation size kits are designed to process 96 reactions in a maximum of two batches of samples on the standard platforms listed. If more than two batches are processed from a single kit, there may be insufficient reagent for 96 reactions due to overages required in automation workflows.