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MagicPrep® NGS system

MagicPrep NGS system is a new category of automated laboratory equipment that provides push button simplicity for NGS library preparation for Illumina sequencing platforms.

The MagicPrep NGS system provides a complete solution that includes the instrument, software, pre-optimized scripts, reagents and consumables.

The MagicPrep NGS system integrates everything you need for library preparation; all you need to do is add your samples.

Tab 01 / Overview

NGS library prep at the press of a button - the answer to tedious manual prep work.

  • Spending days on manual pipetting is over — just load and run. Set up the system and start the run in less than 10 minutes, providing time for other experiments.
  • Reliable, reproducible NGS library preparation with >99% mean success rate* by combining new innovative reagent dispense technology with conventional technology developed and optimized over decades.
  • True walk-away automation, eliminates costly mistakes during library preparation. With optimized reagents, consumables and simple setup for error-proof operation and consistent data, anyone can make libraries for Illumina sequencing.

Simple run setup in 10 minutes.

With the MagicPrep NGS system, all reagents and consumables are provided pre-aliquoted in a single kit. The only thing you need to provide are your samples. No need to make master mixes or buffers. No need to purchase other reagents. Simply insert the cartridges into the instrument, start the run, and continue your day.

Reliable and reproducible.

Tecan’s new MagicPrep NGS system achieves greater than 99% mean success rate*. This system utilizes a novel reagent dispensing technology along with proven technology to provide a reliable and reproducible solution while minimizing the possibility of user errors. MagicPrep NGS provides a fully automated and reproducible workflow, allowing labs to focus on their next breakthroughs and not on creating libraries.

True walk-away automation.

The MagicPrep NGS system provides true walk-away automation with no additional user interaction after starting the run. Once the run has been started, you can focus on your experiments and let MagicPrep NGS take care of the library preparation. The MagicPrep NGS instrument can store the libraries without evaporation for up to 65 hours. Start your run at any time and then retrieve your libraries when you are ready.

Tab 02 / DNA SEQ

Revelo™ DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS

The Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS library preparation kit provides all the reagents for generating DNA-Seq libraries on the MagicPrep NGS system. This kit features a broad input range from 50 ng to 500 ng of prefragmented genomic DNA and UDI adaptors for flexible multiplexing. This kit together with the MagicPrep NGS system provides a fully automated solution for DNA-Seq library preparation with a 10 minute setup time.

The Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS kit was used to generate libraries from 100 ng of a pre-fragmented mix of three bacterial genomes with varying GC content (S. aureus (32% GC); E. coli (50% GC) and R. sphaeroides (68% GC)). The fraction of reads from each genome is similar to results using a manual workflow demonstrating a low GC bias during automated library construction.

High quality libraries from pre-fragmented DNA

  • Optimized workflow minimizes GC bias compared to standard manual protocols.
  • High fidelity PCR amplification minimizes the introduction of PCR-based errors.
  • Provides coverage and uniformity across the bacterial genome regardless of GC content.



Input type

Input type


Input amount:

Input amount:

50 ng - 500 ng

# Reactions available:

# Reactions available:


Sample Indexes available

Sample Indexes available

Up to 96 UDI

Sequencing platforms

Sequencing platforms

Illumina, Singular Genomics

Revelo™ DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS

The Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS library preparation kit provides all the reagents for generating DNA-Seq libraries on the MagicPrep NGS system. This kit features a broad input range from 50 ng to 500 ng of intact genomic DNA, robust enzymatic DNA fragmentation and UDI adaptors for flexible multiplexing. This kit together with the MagicPrep NGS system provides a fully automated solution for DNA-Seq library preparation with a 10 minute setup time.

Libraries were generated with 100 ng of a three bacterial genome mix with varying GC content (S. aureus (32% GC); E. coli (50% GC) and R. sphaeroides (68% GC)) using the Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS kit. All genomes were represented as expected in the sequencing data. Insert size analysis shows similar insert sizes for all three genomes indicating that DNA fragmentation was not biased by the GC content.

Consistent DNA fragmentation

  • Pre-optimized DNA fragmentation for a broad input range simplifies the workflow.
  • Consistent DNA fragmentation regardless of GC content enables high quality data from a broad range of sample types.
  • Provides even coverage and uniformity across the bacterial genome regardless of GC content.



Input type

Input type


Input amount:

Input amount:

50 ng - 500 ng

# Reactions available:

# Reactions available:


Sample Indexes available

Sample Indexes available

Up to 96 UDI

Sequencing platforms

Sequencing platforms

Illumina, Singular Genomics

Tab 03 / mRNA SEQ

Revelo™ mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS

The Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS library preparation kit provides all the reagents for generating stranded mRNA-Seq libraries on the MagicPrep NGS system. This kit features a broad input range from 10 ng to 1000 ng of total RNA and UDI adaptors for flexible multiplexing. This kit together with the MagicPrep NGS system provides a fully automated solution for mRNA-Seq library preparation with a 10 minute setup time.

Libraries were generated starting with 10 (16 libraries), 100 (24 libraries) or 1000 ng (16 libraries) of K562 total RNA. Data analysis showed similar general library metrics and consistent gene detection across the 100-fold difference in input.

High quality mRNA-Seq libraries

  • Fully automated workflow. Start with total RNA and MagicPrep NGS does all the library preparation steps, including selection of polyadenylated transcripts.
  • Even coverage across the entire transcript enabling detection of splice variants and isoforms during data analysis.
  • High quality data with consistent gene detection across a 100-fold difference in input.



Input type

Input type

Total RNA

Input amount:

Input amount:

10 ng - 1 μg

# Reactions available:

# Reactions available:


Sample Indexes available

Sample Indexes available

Up to 96 UDI

Sequencing platforms

Sequencing platforms

Illumina, Singular Genomics

Tab 04 / Reliability

What is library success rate?

MagicPrep NGS system is designed to provide a simple, reliable solution for automated library preparation. The MagicPrep NGS system was extensively tested to optimize the reagent formulation, automation script and consumables to minimize library failures.

MagicPrep NGS library construction success rate was tested using control samples using recommended input amounts and PCR cycles. Libraries were considered successful if the total library yield was greater or equal to 200 ng. Expected library size distribution was confirmed for all libraries using the Fragment Analyzer.

Library quality and success is impacted by the sample quality, the input amount and potential inhibitors in the sample. Samples with lower quality may see variable success rates.


>99% mean success rate*

The MagicPrep NGS system was used to generate libraries for Illumina sequencing using control samples A total of 59 runs (472 samples), a combination of both mRNA-Seq and DNA-Seq runs, were performed on over 10 different instruments. The mean library success rate was calculated for all runs regardless of application. Overall, the mean success rate for the MagicPrep NGS system is greater than 99%.

Library consistency

The MagicPrep NGS system provides consistent library construction within runs and between multiple runs. Forty libraries (5 runs), starting with 100 ng of K562 total RNA, were generated with the Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS kit on a single instrument. The total yield of each library is graphed to demonstrate the consistency of library yields. Each run has a CV of between 5.8%-16.8%, indicating that the eight samples within each run have a consistent yield. Additionally, the library yields generated among all 5 runs are similar, demonstrating the consistency of the MagicPrep NGS system.

Tab 05 / faq


Q1. What are the dimensions and weight of the MagicPrep NGS system?

The MagicPrep NGS system is 58 cm x 25 cm x 31 cm (L x W x H). The instrument weights 18.8 kg.

Q2. What are the required operating environmental conditions for NGS library preparation?

The MagicPrep NGS system operating conditions for NGS library preparation are:

  • Room temperature: 20 – 26 ˚C
  • Humidity: 30 – 60% relative (non-condensing)
  • Altitude: about 500 m above sea level

Q3. How much room is required around the MagicPrep NGS system for sufficient airflow?

The MagicPrep NGS system should be placed in a location that provides sufficient space from walls or other objects that might limit airflow. It is recommended to have an unobstructed gap of at least 15 cm (6 inches) to the sides and the rear of the instrument.

Q4. What are the power requirements for the MagicPrep NGS system?

The MagicPrep NGS instrument requires the following power supply: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz.

Q5. What is included with the MagicPrep NGS system?

The MagicPrep NGS system comes with the instrument, power cord, sample deck and sample deck stand.

Q6. Can I use the MagicPrep NGS system with other reagents?

No, the MagicPrep NGS system is only compatible with Tecan reagents./p>

Q7. Can I perform a MagicPrep NGS run with less then 8 samples?

It is possible to perform a MagicPrep NGS run with less then 8 samples. The consumables, however, are one-time use only. The unused reagents can not be recovered or used for a subsequent run.

Q8. What is included with a Revelo MagicPrep NGS kit?

Each kit is sufficient for 4 runs (32 samples). Each kit comes with 4 reagent cartridges, magnetic beads, and 4 sets of sample deck consumables.

Q1. What do I do if the MagicPrep NGS system shows an error?

Perform a power cycle and restart the system. To perform a power cycle, turn off the MagicPrep NGS system and wait for the LED strip to turn off completely. Once the system is completely off, power on the MagicPrep NGS system. If the error persists, please contact Tecan Customer Support.

Q2. What do I do if the touch screen is not responsive or does not react to touch?

Perform a power cycle to reinitialize the system. Make sure that the LED strip is completely off before restarting the system. If the error persists, please contact Tecan Customer Support.

Q3. What do I do if the sample deck or sample deck components are not detected, or an error occurs during the barcode scanning?

The MagicPrep NGS system will not work with previously used consumables. Make sure that new consumables are being used. Wipe off any moisture that could prevent the barcodes from being read and reload the instrument. If the error persists, please contact Tecan Customer Support.

Q4. What do I do if the reagent cartridge is not detected, or an error occurs during the barcode scanning?

The MagicPrep NGS system will not work with previously used consumables. Make sure that new consumables are being used. Wipe off any moisture that could prevent the barcodes from being read and reload the instrument. If the error persists, please contact Tecan Customer Support.


Q1. What materials are provided with Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS consists of Sample Deck components, Reagent Cartridges and a single tube of Agencourt beads.

Q2. What materials or equipment are required or will be useful?

A comprehensive list of required and recommended equipment can be found below:


  • Micropipettes: 0.5–10 μL, 2–20 μL, 20–200 μL, 200–1000 μL.
  • Microcentrifuge for 0.2 mL tubes or plates.
  • Qubit® 2.0, 3.0 or 4 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) or other appropriate fluorometer and accessories for quantification of input DNA and final libraries.
  • 5200 Fragment Analyzer System, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, or equivalent for electrophoretic analysis of nucleic acids.


  • Low EDTA TE Buffer, 1X, pH 8.0 [Multiple Vendors] OR Nuclease-free water [Multiple Vendors] for diluting nucleic acids.
  • Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent, Cat. #5067-4626) or equivalent.

Supplies and Labware

  • Barrier (filtered) pipette tips, nuclease-free.
  • 0.2 mL PCR strip tubes or 0.2 mL thin-wall PCR plates.
  • Cleaning solutions such as DNA OFF™ (MP Biomedicals, Cat. #11QD0500).

Q3. What methods do you recommend for DNA isolation?

We recommend a column-based extraction method. Some suggestions include: Qiagen QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit, Zymo Quick-DNA kits, Thermo Fisher PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit. Users can consider any other kit of their choice as well.

Q4. Can I use phenol-chloroform based extractions for DNA isolation?

We do not recommend the use of these methods as any carry-over of organic solvents may inhibit downstream enzyme activity. If phenol-chloroform reagents are used, we recommend using a column-based purification of the DNA prior to input into the kit.

Q5. How much DNA do I need for library generation?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS can be used with 50 ng to 500 ng purified, high-quality DNA. Input amounts outside this range may affect reaction stoichiometry, resulting in sub-optimal libraries that produce variable and unsatisfactory results. Use of lower inputs or degraded samples will potentially produce insufficient yields depending on the requirements of the analytical platform.

Q6. Can I use Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS with DNA from any organism?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS has been tested with DNA inputs isolated from human and bacterial samples. However, any DNA sample should yield a sequenceable library. For more information, contact Tecan NGS Technical Support at techserv-gn@tecan.com.

Q7. Is it necessary to fragment my DNA prior to beginning this protocol?

Yes, the input DNA must be pre-fragmented prior to being used with this kit.

Q8. I don’t have access to a Covaris instrument. Can I use alternative frag-mentation methods?

We have evaluated only Covaris fragmented DNA during the development of MagicPrep NGS DNA-Seq. Other mechanical means of fragmentation, such as sonication, may be suitable. We also offer Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS which features enzymatic fragmentation of high molecular weight genomic DNA.

Q9. Does Tecan provide reagents for performing the fragmentation step of the protocol?

Tecan does not provide the reagents used in the fragmentation steps. We suggest the Covaris instrument be utilized for DNA fragmentation.

Q10. Can I perform fewer than 8 preps at a time?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS performs 8 preps with every run. Empty positions will not produce libraries. Reagent cartridges and sample deck components cannot be reused.

Q11. Can I modify the number of PCR amplification cycles recommended by Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS?

Yes, the user will have the opportunity to adjust cycle number from the recommended value selected based upon sample input. Table 2 of the User Guide contains guidelines on the number of cycles to use, though some samples may perform better with a different number of cycles.

Q12. My reagents have expired. Can I still run Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS?

Yes, although we do not recommend the use of expired reagents, the user will still have the option to run the protocol after the instrument detects the use of expired reagents.

Q13. How many bases do the Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS adaptors add to the library?

The adaptors add 133 bp to the library.

Q14. What is the expected library size?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS libraries will exhibit a size range proportional to the input of fragmented DNA provided by the user. For input DNA fragmented to 300–350 bp, total library size will be 400–500 bp.

Q15. What sequencers are compatible with your libraries?

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS libraries are compatible with Illumina sequencing platforms utilizing standard on-board sequencing primers.

Q16. How much material should I load into the sequencer?

Please follow manufacturer’s recommendations for library QC, quantification, color-balancing and loading of the amplified library on the sequencer.

Q17. What kind of error correction is used to minimize the impact of sequencing errors during index reads?

Each index is a minimum edit distance of three from any other index. This allows error correction of one mismatch during demultiplexing. For further details on the index design strategy, please refer to Faircloth BC, Glenn TC (2012), Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal: Designing and Validating Sequence Identification Tags Robust to Indels. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42543. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042543.


Q1. What materials are provided with Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS?

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS consists of sample deck components, reagent cartridges and a single tube of Agencourt beads.

Q2. What materials or equipment are required or will be useful?

A comprehensive list of required and recommended equipment can be found below:


  • Micropipettes: 0.5–10 μL, 2–20 μL, 20–200 μL, 200–1000 μL.
  • Microcentrifuge for 0.2 mL tubes or plates.
  • Qubit® 2.0, 3.0 or 4 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) or other appropriate fluorometer and accessories for quantification of input DNA and final libraries.
  • 5200 Fragment Analyzer System, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, or equivalent for electrophoretic analysis of nucleic acids.


  • Low EDTA TE Buffer, 1X, pH 8.0 [Multiple Vendors] OR Nuclease-free water [Multiple Vendors] for diluting nucleic acids.
  • Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent, Cat. #5067-4626) or equivalent.

Supplies and Labware

  • Barrier (filtered) pipette tips, nuclease-free.
  • 0.2 mL PCR strip tubes or 0.2 mL thin-wall PCR plates.
  • Cleaning solutions such as DNA OFF™ (MP Biomedicals, Cat. #11QD0500).

Q3. What methods do you recommend for DNA isolation?

We recommend a column-based extraction method. Some suggestions include: Qiagen QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit, Zymo Quick-DNA kits, Thermo Fisher PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit. Users can consider any other kit of their choice as well.

Q4. Can I use phenol-chloroform based extractions for DNA isolation?

We do not recommend the use of these methods as any carry-over of organic solvents may inhibit downstream enzyme activity. If phenol-chloroform reagents are used, we recommend using a column-based purification of the DNA prior to input into the kit.

Q5. How much DNA do I need for library generation?

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS can be used with 50 ng to 500 ng purified, high-quality DNA. Input amounts outside this range may affect reaction stoichiometry, resulting in sub-optimal libraries that produce variable and unsatisfactory results. Use of lower inputs or degraded samples will potentially produce insufficient yields depending on the requirements of the analytical platform.

Q6. Can I use the Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS kit with DNA from any organism?

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS has been tested with DNA inputs isolated from human and bacterial samples. However, any DNA sample should yield a sequenceable library. For more information, contact Tecan NGS Technical Support at techserv-gn@tecan.com.

Q7. Can I perform fewer than 8 preps at a time?

The MagicPrep NGS system performs 8 preps with every run. Empty positions will not produce libraries. Reagent Cartridges and Sample Deck components cannot be reused.

Q8. Can I modify the number of PCR amplification cycles recommended by the MagicPrep NGS system?

Yes, the user will have the opportunity to adjust cycle number from the recommended value selected based upon sample input. Table 2 of the User Guide contains guidelines on the number of cycles to use, though some samples may perform better with a different number of cycles.

Q9. My reagents have expired. Can I still use these reagent to perform a run on the MagicPrep NGS system?

Yes, although we do not recommend the use of expired reagents, the user will still have the option to run the protocol after the instrument detects the use of expired reagents.

Q10. How many bases do the Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS adaptors add to the library?

The adaptors add 133 bp to the library.

Q11. What is the expected library size?

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS libraries generated with high-quality human DNA contain inserts that are between 300-350 bp on average. Total library size will be 400–500 bp.

Q12. What sequencers are compatible with your libraries?

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS libraries are compatible with Illumina sequencing platforms utilizing standard on-board sequencing primers.

Q13. How much material should I load into the sequencer?

Please follow manufacturer’s recommendations for library QC, quantification, color-balancing and loading of the amplified library on the sequencer.

Q14. What kind of error correction is used to minimize the impact of sequencing errors during index reads?

Each index is a minimum edit distance of three from any other index. This allows error correction of one mismatch during demultiplexing. For further details on the index design strategy, please refer to Faircloth BC, Glenn TC (2012), Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal: Designing and Validating Sequence Identification Tags Robust to Indels. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42543. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042543.


Q1. What materials are provided with Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS consists of Sample Deck components, Reagent Cartridges and a single tube of Agencourt beads.

Q2. What materials or equipment are required or will be useful?

A comprehensive list of required and recommended equipment can be found below:


  • Micropipettes: 0.5–10 μL, 2–20 μL, 20–200 μL, 200–1000 μL.
  • Microcentrifuge for 0.2 mL tubes or plates.
  • Qubit® 2.0, 3.0 or 4 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) or other appropriate fluorometer and accessories for quantification of input DNA and final libraries.
  • 5200 Fragment Analyzer System, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, or equivalent for electrophoretic analysis of nucleic acids.


  • Low-EDTA TE Buffer, 1X, pH 8.0 [Multiple Vendors] OR Nuclease-free water [Multiple Vendors] for diluting nucleic acids
  • Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent, Cat. #5067-4626) or equivalent

Supplies and Labware

  • Barrier (filtered) pipette tips, nuclease-free.
  • 0.2 mL PCR strip tubes or 0.2 mL thin-wall PCR plates.
  • Cleaning solutions such as RNaseZap® RNase Decontamination Solution (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Cat. #AM9780) and DNA OFF™ (MP Biomedicals, Cat. #11QD0500).

Q3. What methods do you recommend for RNA isolation?

We recommend a column-based method, including:

  • Norgen Biotek Total RNA Purification Kit.
  • Zymo Research Quick-RNA™ Kits.
  • Arcturus PicoPure® RNA Isolation Kit.
  • Ambion PureLink® RNA Mini Kit.
  • Qiagen RNeasy Kits.

Organic methods such as TRIzol® Reagent should be subsequently followed with a column-based clean-up method.

Q4. Can I use TRIzol® or other phenol-chloroform based extractions for RNA isolation?

We do not recommend the use of TRIzol® or similar methods as any carry-over of organic solvent may inhibit downstream enzyme activity. If using TRIzol extracted RNA, we recommend using a column-based purification of the RNA prior to input into the kit.

Q5. Can I use carrier RNA during RNA isolation?

No. Residual carrier RNA can result in poor data quality.

Q6. How much total RNA do I need for library generation?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS can be used with 10 ng to 1 μg purified, high-quality (RIN ≥7.0) total RNA. Input amounts outside this range may affect reaction stoichiometry, resulting in sub-optimal libraries that produce variable and unsatisfactory results. Lower input amounts will potentially result in insufficient yields depending on the requirements of the analytical platform.

Q7. Do I need to perform an rRNA depletion or poly(A) enrichment step before processing samples with Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS?

No rRNA depletion or poly(A) enrichment step is needed. Use total RNA inputs with Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS.

Q8. Do you recommend DNase treatment of purified total RNA samples?

Yes. When using purified total RNA samples, large amounts of contaminating genomic DNA may amplify during the process. For this reason DNase treatment is recommended prior to running Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS.

Q9. Can I use Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS with RNA from any organism?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS has been designed and tested only with total RNA inputs isolated from human samples. However, any input RNA sample containing some fraction of 3ˇ-poly(A) sequence should yield a sequenceable library. For more information, contact Tecan NGS Technical Support at techserv-gn@tecan.com.

Q10. Can I perform fewer than 8 preps at a time?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS performs 8 preps with every run. Empty positions will not produce libraries. Reagent Cartridges and Sample Deck components cannot be reused.

Q11. Does Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS deplete ribosomal RNA?

No. Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS utilizes poly(A) selection to target poly-adenylated mRNA transcripts. This yields sequencing data with minimal rRNA contamination.

Q12. Can I modify the number of PCR amplification cycles recommended by Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS?

Yes, the user will have the opportunity to adjust cycle number from the recommended value selected based upon sample input. Table 2 of the User Guide contains guidelines on the number of cycles to use, though some samples may perform better with a different number of cycles.

Q13. Are Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS libraries stranded?

Yes, libraries prepared with Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS are stranded. The first sequencing read represents the sense strand.

Q14. My reagents have expired. Can I still run Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS?

Yes, although we do not recommend the use of expired reagents, the user will still have the option to run the protocol after the instrument detects the use of expired reagents.

Q15. How many bases do the Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS adaptors add to the library?

The adaptors add 133 bp to the library.

Q16. What is the expected library size?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS libraries generated with high-quality human total RNA contain inserts that are between 300–350 bp on average. Total library size will be 400–500 bp.

Q17. What sequencers are compatible with your libraries?

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS libraries are compatible with Illumina sequencing platforms utilizing standard on-board sequencing primers.

Q18. How much material should I load into the sequencer?

Please follow manufacturer’s recommendations for library QC, quantification, color-balancing and loading of the amplified library on the sequencer.

Q19. What kind of error correction is used to minimize the impact of sequencing errors during index reads?

Each index is a minimum edit distance of three from any other index. This allows error correction of one mismatch during demultiplexing. For further details on the index design strategy, please refer to Faircloth BC, Glenn TC (2012), Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal: Designing and Validating Sequence Identification Tags Robust to Indels. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42543. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042543.

Tab 06 / Webinars

MagicPrep NGS Webinars

Industry experts share their insights on the latest applications and workflows to help labs stay up to date with cutting edge technologies.

Discover webinars that can help automate low throughput NGS library preparation with unprecedent ease by using MagicPrep NGS. This robust system delivers consistent, reproducible results for DNA-Seq and mRNA-Seq, allowing labs to focus on their next breakthroughs and not on creating libraries.

The Impact of Microgravity on Human Pathogenic Biofilms and Microbial Ecosystems

Christopher Mason, PhD; Professor of Genomics, Physiology, and Piophysics, Weill Cornell Medicine, United States

Accelerating Vaccine Development with Automated HTS Library Prep

Graham Freimanis, PhD; Head of High Throughput Sequencing; Pirbright Institute, United Kingdom

Automated next generation sequencing library preparation for cancer research

Gopal Iyer, PhD; Assistant Professor, Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States

Clinical metagenomic sequencing for diagnosis of infections, wastewater surveillance, and outbreak investigation

Dr. Charles Chiu, Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases & Associate Director Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

The role and importance of library preparation in personalized phage therapy

Dr. Austen Terwilliger, Director of Operations, TAILΦR Labs, Baylor College of Medicine

Tab 07 / Literature & Software

MagicPrep NGS software update v. 1.6 – available now!

This software version provides important updates to the MagicPrep NGS system to add new applications and improve performance and error handling.

Key improvements are:

  • Add scripts for the Revelo PCR-free DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS kit.
  • Additional enhancements and bug fixes for improved reliability.

Updating your MagicPrep NGS system to this software version is highly recommended.


Application Notes

Next generation sequencing (NGS) is a standard tool in academic and clinical research. Since the original Illumina NGS platforms were introduced, there have been significant improvements in throughput, turnaround time and cost of NGS. The process for NGS library construction, however, has not significantly changed. While there have been some innovations, this process still follows the basic step of first and second strand cDNA synthesis (for RNA), end repair, adaptor ligation and PCR amplification.

Routine manual preparation of amplicon-based libraries can be burdensome to personnel, requiring at least 5 hours of assay time and allots only 0.5 hours of uninterrupted walkaway time. MagicPrep NGS is an ideal solution for saving time by automating the generation of amplicon-based libraries.

Tecan’s MagicPrep NGS system is a unique solution for fully automated preparation of NGS libraries. The system combines hardware, software, reagents, and consumables to provide a complete solution that just works. After an initial 10-minute setup, the user can walk away and come back to finished NGS libraries (Figure 1). The instrument simultaneously produces 8 libraries, providing an automated solution for sequencing library preparation for mid- to lowthroughput laboratories.


Tecan’s MagicPrep NGS is a new type of automation solution for NGS library preparation that just works. Reimagined and redesigned, it offers a simple solution that anyone can use. Tecan’s MagicPrep NSG system comes with numerous benefits and features


Routine manual preparation of genomic libraries is an arduous process taking up to ~5 to ~7.5 hours of personnel time. MagicPrep NGS is a hands-free, walkaway solution for saving time by automating the preparation of both DNA and RNA libraries.

Routine manual preparation of genomic libraries is an arduous process that consumes between ~5 to ~7.5 hours prior to sequencing. MagicPrep NGS is a hands-free, walkaway solution for saving time by automating the preparation of both DNA and RNA libraries.

Customer Applications

Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) is a destructive disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola. In sugarbeets, it is one of the most problematic diseases as CLS reduces recoverable sugar content, and methods for controlling CLS are limited. Research on this fungal pathogen is of high importance due to its ability to quickly develop fungicide resistance. Scientists at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service are focused on creating assays to detect fungicideresistant variants, as well as understanding the epidemiology, global diversity, and possible routes of transmission for CLS. These studies hope to provide insights into pathogen resistance for diagnostic purposes, and preventing continued spread of this disease.

Operating Manual

Safety Data Sheets

Revelo mRNA-Seq for MagicPrep NGS kit Safety Data Sheet

Revelo DNA-Seq Enz for MagicPrep NGS kit Safety Data Sheet

Revelo DNA-Seq Mech for MagicPrep NGS kit Safety Data Sheet

*Success rate is based on mean internal data. Sample quality and variability may have an impact on the success rate.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.