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Cell biology

Cell lines and primary cells are widely used for the production of cell-derived biomolecules, as well as for cell-based assays.

Tecan provides sophisticated, modular automation solutions from 2D and 3D cell culture with cloning, transfection and colony picking to the point of cell-based assays and cellular analysis based on our liquid handling and detection platforms.

Tab 01 / Cell-based assays

Tab 02 / Cellular imaging and analysis

Tab 03 / Cell culture

Tab 04 / Cloning and transfection


Successful cell biology workflows rely on the generation of high quality clones. Tecan offers fully automated transfection from standard methods such as lipofection, to specialized nucleofection methods. Subsequent selection of the ideal clones is achieved through the integration of colony picking or cell separation devices.

Key benefits

  • Efficient transfection and expression of proteins of interest
  • Pick the right clones in the shortest timeframe
  • Decreased development times of cell lines
  • Co-development of applications with selected partners to offer complete solutions

Efficient colony picking

Effortless and reliable picking of bacteria, fungi, algae, hybridoma and mammalian cell colonies.

Automate the most labor-intensive and error-prone steps of your cloning and cell line development workflow. Designed specifically for Tecan’s liquid handling platforms, the Pickolo™ Colony-Picker from SciRobotics can be seamlessly integrated with up and downstream experiments like NAP, PCR set-up or protein purification.

Key advantages are

  • fast performance – pick up to 800 colonies per hour on Freedom EVO and up to 1000 colonies per hour on Fluent equipped with an air FCA.
  • flexible colony selection criteria by color, size, diameter and more
  • intuitive picking profile creation – just click on the colonies you like best
  • flexible source plates – Petri dishes, SBS-formats.
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Automated spiral plating and streaking

Complete your cloning and microbiology screening workflow by integrating a fully automated, high throughput solution for Petri dish inoculation.

Manual plating can be tedious, especially if the preparation of serial dilutions is taken into account. Combining the SciRobotics PetriPlater™ with Tecan’s liquid handling platforms provides a tailored solution to accelerate plating and free up staff time.

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Spiral plating

Set up various dilutions in a single plate for colony counting:

  • Uniform rotation speed – to achieve a 1:6 dilution
  • Accelerating rotation speed – to provide dilution ratios of 1:20 to 1:50
  • Decelerating rotation speed – to achieve uniform sample distribution
  • Segmented plating – to create different sample dilutions across a plate to save space and time

Spiral streaking

  • Spatially separated colonies for reliable colony-picking experiments
  • Work with samples in a variety of labware formats – including tubes, deep-well plates or even Petri dishes (in combination with the Pickolo™ Colony-Picker)
  • Ideal for streaking out urine, blood, swabs and other sample types

Scalable solution

  • Dedicated, compact and cost-effective solution including a Freedom EVO® 75 with robotic and single channel pipetting arms, PetriPlater and Petri dish storage
  • Add functionality – combine with the Pickolo Colony-Picker to complete your microbiology or synthetic biology workflow
  • Take advantage of a larger Freedom EVO or Fluent® workstation to integrate colony plating and streaking with other up- and downstream experiments

Save money, space and time

  • Robotic arm handles up to 60 Petri dishes per hour
  • Plate different dilutions on one Petri dish to save handling time, consumables costs and space
  • Fully automated serial dilutions for true walkaway processing

Reproducible transfection and expression

Automate time-consuming and laborious processes.

Tecan offers reliable automation solutions for transfecting various cell types, from preparation of cells and transfection mixes to incubation of the transfection plate.

The Spark Cyto live cell microplate reader provides predefined applications to easily assess transfection efficiency and reporter activity, using standard fluorometric and luminometric detection capabilities, as well as fluorescence-based cell imaging.

Tecan’s workstations have a proven track record for automated transfection using a variety of methods, including lipofectamine-, calcium phosphate- or polyethylenimine- (PEI-)based transfection, or Lonza’s Nucleofector™ 96-well Shuttle™ system. Tecan instruments can also be used for siRNA screenings.

Generation and expression of nucleic acid constructs is often based on standardized kits. Tecan works with the most renowned kit manufacturers to supply worry-free automation protocols. Whether your individual workflow solution requires a clean bench, a Class II biosafety cabinet, a CO2 incubator, cooling or heating devices to keep samples and reagents stable, or a multimode imaging reader, Tecan can provide you with a tailored solution.

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Reliable clone selection

Find the optimal clones from a pool of randomly generated cell lines faster.

Cell line development is the centerpiece of any biologically-produced therapeutic, yet creating stable producing cell lines for research and production is still, to some extent, a chance process. The most critical and inconsistent step of the process is selecting the optimal clones from a pool of randomly generated cell lines.

Automation can be applied to limited-dilution plating, plate replication, assessing single cell clone origin, clone picking, expression screening using ELISAs, protein quantification and a range of protein characterization methods in order to reduce development time and fulfill regulatory requirements for data and process documentation.

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Safe cell separation

Discover unique and comprehensive solutions for high throughput cellular and biomolecule separation and analysis.

Tecan and Miltenyi Biotec have joined forces. Choose between the MultiMACS™ Cell24 Separator Plus to separate unaltered, viable cells and the MultiMACS M96thermo Separator to isolate viruses and biomolecules, such as nucleic acids or proteins, without worrying about cross contamination.

Key advantages are

  • seamless software integration into Freedom EVOware®
  • contactless pipetting to prevent cross contamination
  • flexible format – 24- and 96-well
  • separation of viruses, cells, nucleic acids, proteins and more.
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Tecan Journal Articles

The rising global problem of antimicrobial resistance has led to growing pressure on food producers to eliminate the use of prophylactic antibiotics as an additive in livestock feeds. To help combat the potential risk this poses to animal health, Agro BioSciences is harnessing the power of the microbiota present in the gut of chickens, pigs and cows to try and eliminate the growth of pathogens.

Designer proteins
[TJ 03/2015]

Researchers at the University of Montreal have benefitted from Tecan’s collaboration with SciRobotics to automate DNA assembly protocols for synthetic biology. Combining a Freedom EVO® 200 with a Pickolo™ Colony-Picker and various other components, the Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology Research Unit has built a streamlined cloning workflow with increased throughput and reliability.

Extended periods of walkaway operation are essential to the work carried out by Spanish energy producer Repsol, which relies on two Freedom EVO® platforms and Tecan’s 350 μl nested liquid handling disposable tips for its research into alternative energy sources.

Russia has been a fast-growing region for biotechnology and life sciences in recent years, with food and agriculture being key focus areas. Here is a snapshot from laboratories looking at the contrasting roles of microbiology in food production, both employing Tecan equipment in their workflows.

Laboratory automation and LIMS specialist Mejoran Lab Automation has developed a customized method for automated fungal colony picking on a Freedom EVO® 150 platform with an integrated SciRobotics Pickolo™ Colony-Picker. This innovative colony picking method produces viable microinocula of consistent quality for downstream assays, reducing the time needed to select mutants for further investigation from one week to one day.

The Life Sciences laboratory of the Central Research Institute at Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd has used Tecan’s Freedom EVO® 200 workstation to develop a successful automated protocol for efficient siRNA transfection, paving the way for efficient high throughput screening of small RNA libraries.

Automation with the Freedom EVO® system and SciRobotics’ Pickolo™ Colony-Picker has revolutionized the gene cloning and colony picking workflow at Evogene’s laboratory, allowing time-efficient and reliable tracking of cloning processes and enabling scientists to increase the yearly production of clones.

Tecan and amaxa GmbH (now Lonza) have successfully integrated the amaxa Nucleofector® 96-well Shuttle® System with the Tecan Freedom EVO® liquid handling workstation, allowing fully automated, high throughput transfection of primary cells and difficult-to-transfect cell lines, including non-dividing neurons and T cells, with siRNA, DNA and other substrates.


Colony picking with Pickolo™ on Freedom EVO®

Precise hit picking from 96 well to 384 well microplate

Webinar: Automate colony picking and forget about toothpicks

Tab 05 / Literature

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