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CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing

CRISPR-Cas9 technology is one of the trending topics in life sciences, as it allows to edit genomes in a faster and more accurate way than with any of the previous genome editing techniques.

Tecan provides solutions for the whole CRISPR-Cas9 workflow, from cloning to genotyping of the individuals or cells that undergo the editing process.

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PCR set-up

Fluent offers straightforward automation of PCR reaction set-up using the high precision air displacement pipetting arm. Fluent Smart Commands simplify reaction set-up for a wide range of applications – from endpoint, real-time and multiplex PCR protocols to sequencing, genotyping and gene expression methods, as well as pathogen and mutagenesis detection.

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Efficient colony picking

Effortless and reliable picking of bacteria, fungi, algae, hybridoma and mammalian cell colonies.

Automate the most labor-intensive and error-prone steps of your cloning and cell line development workflow. Designed specifically for Tecan’s liquid handling platforms, the Pickolo™ Colony-Picker from SciRobotics can be seamlessly integrated with up and downstream experiments like NAP, PCR set-up or protein purification.

Automated spiral plating and streaking

Complete your cloning and microbiology screening workflow by integrating a fully automated, high throughput solution for Petri dish inoculation. Manual plating can be tedious, especially if the preparation of serial dilutions is taken into account. Combining the SciRobotics PetriPlater™ with Tecan’s liquid handling platforms provides a tailored solution to accelerate plating and free up staff time.

Reproducible Transfection and Expression

Automate all time-consuming and laborious processes of transfecting different cell types, from preparation of cells and transfection mixes to incubation of the transfection plate. Tecan’s workstations have a proven track record for automated transfection, no matter which method is used: lipofectamine, calcium phosphate or polyethylenimine (PEI) based transfection or Lonza’s Nucleofector® 96-well Shuttle™ system. Tecan instruments are also used for siRNA screenings. Generation and expression of nucleic acid constructs are often based on standardized kits.

Tecan works together with the most renowned kit manufacturers to jointly supply worry-free automation protocols. Whether your individual workflow solution requires a clean bench or a Class II Biosafety Cabinet, a CO2 incubator, cooling or heating devices to keep samples and reagents stable, or a multimode imaging reader, Tecan can provide you with tailored solutions.

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Reliable clone selection

Find the optimal clones from a pool of randomly generated cell lines faster. Cell line development is the centerpiece of any biologically-produced therapeutic, yet creating stable producing cell lines for research and production is still, to some extent, a chance process. The most critical and inconsistent step of the process is selecting the optimal clones from a pool of randomly generated cell lines.

Cell culture maintenance and expansion

Automate major bottlenecks, such as media exchange, cell plating, incubation and assay preparation, with specialized tools and devices.

Verify edited genes

Hit verification from experiments with pooled CRISPR/Cas9 libraries requires deconvolutions by NGS. Arrayed libraries enable more rapid validation of hits, and can make use of existing high throughput screening infrastructure – such as high content analysis or reporter gene assays – to validate edited genes.

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