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Freedom EVO® platform

The Freedom EVO series is one of the most popular and reliable systems in the market, with more than 7,500 sold worldwide. The upgradeable Freedom EVO platform can evolve with your changing application needs, making your initial investment even more valuable.

This proven platform enables you to create your system according to your specific needs with the help of our automation specialists, or as alternative to select a preconfigured automation solution for your application.

Tab 01 / Overview

Successful solutions based on years of experience!

The Freedom EVO® platform provides straightforward solutions that allow you to work more efficiently and adapt quickly to new requirements.

Freedom EVO 75 base unit

A compact liquid handling platform for small life science laboratories in academia, biotechnology, research and analytics, providing complete process automation in a small footprint.

  • 27 grids of worktable space
  • Up to two arms can be mounted

Freedom EVO 100 base unit

This base unit offers state-of-the-art liquid handling capabilities and optional robotic functionality for general purpose pipetting in all small-to-medium throughput laboratories.

  • 30 grids of worktable space
  • Up to two arms can be mounted

Freedom EVO 150 base unit

Our core liquid handling and robotics workstation for small, busy laboratories or medium to high throughput research and diagnostic laboratories.

The larger footprint significantly increases the integration area for devices, enabling a broad range of automated processes.

  • 45 grids of worktable space
  • Up to three arms can be mounted

Freedom EVO 200 base unit

This is the multi-functional robotic platform for large scale and high throughput applications.

The largest workstation in the Freedom EVO series, it provides an extensive work area and variable configurations, with a choice of liquid handling and robotic arms.

  • 69 grids of worktable space
  • Up to three arms can be mounted

Freedom EVO highlights

Parallel processing

Increase speed and enhance throughput, ensuring assay reproducibility and providing efficient use of resources.

The Freedom EVO simultaneously carries out liquid handling and moves labware to the integrated Spark® reader.

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One platform, unlimited solutions

Tecan offers an extensive range of carriers for positioning standard labware – such as plates, tubes or reagent vessels – on the freely configurable worktable.

Carriers are easily positioned, and can be routinely removed for reloading or to reconfigure the platform.

PosID™ provides automatic barcode reading

Carriers and labware can be automatically identified before or during processing, confirming the identity of samples and reagents, as well as detecting any missing labware or samples.

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Individual liquid level detection

The system quickly checks for the presence or absence of liquid in individual tubes or microplate wells, and can establish in advance if sufficient liquid is present for the requested pipetting step.

Clots or particles that obstruct the pipetting tip during aspiration can also be easily detected, and the operator notified.

Tab 02 / Arms

The choice is yours!

Your Freedom EVO can evolve as your needs change. The instrument design offers liquid handling and robotic elements that work together to automate your process and optimize your workflow. Parallel processing increases speed, enhances throughput, ensures assay reproducibility and provides efficient use of resources.

Air LiHa

Convenient Air LiHa Arm

This innovative air displacement arm provides accurate and reliable pipetting without the need for system liquids, providing greater convenience and lower maintenance requirements for applications using disposable tips.

Available with four or eight pipetting channels, it offers a broad volume range from 0.5 to 1,000 µl per channel, with non-contact dispensing down to 0.5 μl.

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Increased flexibility and greater convenience through air displacement technology

Liquid handling expertise

Each channel offers optimized pipetting for a broad range of liquid types and volumes; free dispense is possible down to 0.5 μl with CVs below 6 %.

Protect your valuable investment

To avoid the risk of cross-contamination, each pipetting channel has a user exchangeable inline filter which prevents liquid being drawn into the pipetting head.

Combined with permanent pressure monitoring through Freedom EVOware, this maximizes process security and protects your valuable samples and equipment.

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Air LiHa arm

Increased flexibility and higher convenience for the Freedom EVO® workstation


A LiHa is perfoming a multipipetting step from a trough to a 96 well plate with disposable Tecan tips.

Liquid LiHa

Precision Liquid LiHa Arm

The Liquid LiHa is offered with disposable or fixed tips. Fast wash pumps ensure total system cleanliness through rapid washing of fixed tips from behind to minimize sample carry-over.

All LiHa arms offer variable Y-spacing, enabling sample transfers to and from a variety of labware types.

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Minimize cross contamination by thorough fixed tips washing from behind

Each liquid-filled, positive displacement channel offers efficient transfers, detecting and tracking the liquid level to avoid over-submergence of the tip or disturbance of sample pellets or precipitates.

Generate positive pressure for fully automated chromatography and protein purification eg. for OPUS® RoboColumns®.

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A Liquid LiHa is pipetting from a tube to another tube with 5ml disposable Tecan tips.

A Liquid LiHa with washable fixed tips perfoming a wash cycle in the washstation.

Enjoy the LiHa ballet

Watch the fascinating moves of a Liquid LiHa with fixed tips or disposable tip adapters in all possible directions.

MultiChannel Arm™ MCA 96*

True parallel processing

Simultaneous pipetting of 96 channels provides timely addition of liquids directly into microplates.

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Speed up your applications with the MCA 96

Pipette with 96, 12 or 8 tips

The MCA 96 head can also operate as an 8- or 12-channel pipette by picking up a single column or row of disposable tips. This feature can be used to pipette standards, controls or to conduct serial dilutions.

Reduction in running costs

The MCA 96 has the flexibility to work with both disposable and washable tips, which can be automatically exchanged during a run. Using washable fixed tips for the pipetting of reagents, buffers or solvents offers a reduction in running costs.


A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO® 100 is pipetting with 96 DiTis from a 96-well plate to another 96-well plate.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 is pipetting with 96 DiTis from a trough to a plate.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 is performing a multi pipetting from a deep-well plate into three microplates.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 is using a column of eight DiTis to perform a multi pipetting over a microplate.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 is using nested DiTis for pipetting. After usage the MCA 96 DiTis are stacked on a waste stack.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 is using nested DiTis from an individual access carrier for pipetting. After usage the MCA 96 DiTis transferred into the waste.

After usage a MCA 96 fixed tip block on a Freedom EVO 100 gets cleaned in the wash station.

A complete pipetting cycle with nested DiTis coming from a Te-Stack™ is performed by the MCA 96 head.

A MCA 96 on a Freedom EVO 100 in combination with four Te-Stacks for high throughput pipetting.

Robotic arms

The robotic arms transport microplates, tubes and other labware quickly and efficiently between worktable, peripheral devices and labware storage enabling longer assay runs and walk-away time.

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Robotic Manipulator (RoMa) Arm

The RoMa arm transports microplates and other labware quickly from the worktable to peripheral devices or labware storage.

Extended Robotic Manipulator (RoMa) Arm

The extended range RoMa Arm offers access below the worktable, enabling further integration of devices such as centrifuges, as well as additional storage and incubation options.

Pick and Place (PnP) Arm

The PnP arm offers fast and precise single tube movement, for example, for tube weighing and compound dissolution applications.

A RoMa is moving plates from a storage hotel to the worktable for further processing.

A RoMa is replacing an empty with a new box of disposbale tips.

A RoMa is replacing an empty with a new box of disposbale tips.

A RoMa long z is removing a plate from a Hydrospeed washer which is placed under the worktable.

Tab 03 / Options

The Flexible workflow options to meet your changing needs!


Highly effective orbital microplate shaker with heating option

Tecan's Te-Shake handles microplates, deep-well plates and PCR tubes, with the added option of sample heating up to 80° C.

Process scale-up can be realized by parallel use of multiple Te-Shake options on one single workstation. With its dynamic shaking range, configurable orbit/amplitude and variable rotating direction, Te-Shake allows easy optimization of extended mixing protocols.


Automated solution for vacuum solid phase extraction

The Te-VacS is a complete automation option for cartridge-based filtration and solid phase extraction (SPE).

The system can be assembled by the RoMa Arm for fully automated operations, and is ideally suited to DNA/RNA extraction and compound purification. Different modes of smooth pressure regulation allows safe sample extractions without contamination.

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High throughput vacuum separation module

  • Two independently controlled vacuum positions
  • Software-controlled vacuum pressure with feedback loop


Powerful temperature control

Temperature control is crucial for many molecular biology and ADMET applications, both on and off the worktable. Tecans MIO – monitored incubation option – (RT +5 to 60 °C) provides incubation for four or six microplates on the workdeck, with or without shaking, and is ideally suited to ELISA and cell-based assay applications.

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Controlled incubation directly on the worktable

Several incubator modules may be combined to provide different temperatures and environmental conditions on the same Freedom EVO workstation.


Plate and tip stacking option

The Te-Stack module gives laboratories an efficient and affordable way to automate the storage, retrieval and delivery of microplates and disposable tips, for unprecedented process throughput in a wide range of genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery applications.

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  • Right or left side integration possible
  • Holds up to 40 standard or 13 deep-well plates or up to 40 nested tips per stack
  • Precise retrieval and delivery in under 5 seconds
  • The Te-Stack eliminates programming-intensive operations that impede throughput and hamper process reliability


Random access for up to 280 microplates

This is a fast access storage system, which gives users increased walkaway time and is ideal for high throughput applications in genomics, drug discovery and proteomics.

The Carousel provides unmatched speed for random access to 280 microplates, with an average access time of just 12 seconds per plate. One unit can efficiently handle microplates, half-height plates and deep-well plates.

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  • Storage capacity of up to 280 microplates
  • Average access time of just 12 seconds per plate
  • Configurable storage slots
  • Barcode scanner
  • Easy integration with Freedom EVO®


Positive Identification System

PosID provides automatic barcode reading for labware and carriers at any position on the worktable.

Carriers and labware can be automatically identified before or during processing, confirming the identity of samples, reagents and assay vessels.

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Barcode reading of microplates

Barcode reading of tubes

PosID option reading barcodes

Tab 04 / Software

Simple, intuitive and flexible process control

Operation is straightforward; the intuitive Freedom EVOware® user interface optimally combines pipetting, robotics and scheduling of multiple devices in a single package.

The software uses icon-driven, drag and drop implementation screens to guide protocol development for users at any skill level.

It comes with helpful information pads, application specific wizards and three dimensional protocol simulation.

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Measure and improve liquid handling efficiency

Connect your lab automation today and get your Introspect™ dashboards with real data on instrument uptime, consumables consumption and run success rates.

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Tab 05 / Literature


One platform, unlimited options, individual solutions

Fully automated liquid handling and robotics for life sciences and diagnostics

Flexible options to meet changing needs

For Freedom EVO® and Fluent®

Increased flexibility and greater convenience for Freedom EVO® workstations

The Air LiHa™ (Air displacement pipetting arm) uses air displacement technology to offer increased flexibility and greater convenience for a variety of applications requiring disposable tips. It can be mounted onto Freedom EVO 100, 150 or 200 platforms and freely combined with other arms, including the Liquid LiHa (Liquid displacement Liquid Handling Arm) and the MCA (MultiChannel Arm™) pipetting options, resulting in true parallel processing and increasing the productivity of the overall system.

True parallel processing for the Freedom EVO® liquid handling workstation

Tecan‘s 96-channel pipetting head (MCA 96) brings higher productivity to almost any automaliquid handling process, from drug discovery and compound management to biotechnology or genomics applications. The MultiChannel Arm 96 module can be mounted onto the Freedom EVO 100, 150 or 200 platforms.

Increased throughput and higher fexibility

The MultiChannel Arm™ 384 has been designed to offer higher productivity to automated liquid handling workfl ows in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research applications, increasing the effciency and speed of pipetting processes, as well as delivering an outstanding level of fl exibility.

For Freedom EVO® and Fluent®

State-of-the-art compact pipetting robot

The Freedom EVO 75 is a compact pipetting robot for low to medium throughput applications. The smallest of a family of four, it shares the same high modularity, liquid handling performance and reliability that you would usually expect from larger systems.

Monitoring of pipetting pressure profiles for enhanced process quality control

The Pressure Monitored Pipetting (PMP) option is a sophisticated online tool for real-time quality control of the liquid transfer process. Integration of the PMP tool in the Freedom EVO® series of liquid handling workstations significantly enhances the confidence level in your critical liquid transfers. Common sources of pipetting errors in laboratories, such as occluded tips or air aspiration, are instantly detected and flagged. Error recovery is achieved through the error handling user interface or through a pre-defined error recovery scheme.

Integrated process security technologies enhance reliability, manageability and efficiency of liquid transfers

Tecan Journal Articles

Researchers at the Grenoble Institute of Technology are exploring the potential of biomimetic coatings to aid tissue regeneration. The group has developed an innovative, automated layer-by-layer production technique, allowing high throughput in vitro investigations into the ability of these biomimetic coatings to control stem cell differentiation.

Sequencing made easy
[TJ 02/2018]

Automation is helping the University Hospital Münster to streamline its molecular diagnostics workflows, increasing throughput for Sanger sequencing and NGS library preparation.

Personalized medicine is on the horizon, and cell membrane lipidomics may hold the key. Italian biotechnology company Lipinutragen is studying the relationship between the membrane status and dietary and health conditions. A crucial part of the process is the isolation of mature red blood cells, which can be performed more precisely and reproducibly using laboratory automation than by manual processing.

Automation offers many benefits for bioprocess development involving multiple microbial strains, yet few off-the-shelf platforms are capable of combining liquid handling tasks with microscale cultivation. The Microbial Bioprocess Lab at Forschungszentrum Jülich needed a customized platform to support its research, and turned to the Tecan Integration Group for a solution that has improved its microbial cultivation workflows.

Virology testing at a molecular level is crucial for a fast and sensitive initial diagnosis, but its role doesn’t stop there. Clinicians frequently request retrospective analysis, sometimes as a means of monitoring drug response or identifying drug resistance, and also increasingly to understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to, for example, organ rejection. The San Raffaele Hospital in Milan has developed an automated archiving system that allows safe and accurate collection of clinical samples, as well as easy access and retrieval when further testing is required.

High throughput bioprocess development is essential for optimizing run parameters prior to scale-up. University College London’s Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering is harnessing the possibilities afforded by automation, using custom-built scripts and programs to make its liquid handling platforms accessible to inexperienced users.

VolitionRx is using its proprietary Nucleosomics® technology platform to develop a range of diagnostic assays for cancer and other conditions, creating non-invasive tests that identify disease-specific nucleosome signatures circulating in the blood. High throughput biomarker validation is a crucial aspect of the company’s workflow, which it has chosen to automate using four identical Freedom EVO® 200 workstations.

US-based PhenoLogix is offering a new paradigm in SPE method development for CROs and diagnostic labs. Combining the Freedom EVO® SPE workstation with the Phenomenex Strata™-X 96-Well SPE Method Development Plates, this approach reduces development time from six to seven days to under two hours.

The Molecular Biology Department at Colombia’s Laboratorio Clinico Medico Colcan is using a Freedom EVO® 150 liquid handling platform to automate its nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR protocols, offering increased flexibility and helping to improve sample throughput.

The Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie is investigating a variety of innovative aptamer-based applications, and depends on two Freedom EVO® platforms for reliable automation of its selection and production processes

University Hospital Regensburg has taken advantage of the open architecture of the Freedom EVO® workstation, creating a seamless connection between its routine diagnostics and biobanking activities. Working in partnership with the hospital’s Institute for Laboratory Medicine and Transfusion Medicine and diagnostic instruments provider, the Tecan Integration Group has developed a bespoke solution which offers fully automated preparation of samples for both biobanking and offline secondary testing.

With an ever-increasing workload, Germany’s Munich Leukemia Laboratory has automated its cytogenetics protocols on five Freedom EVO® workstations, enabling leaner, standardized, more effi cient processing and minimizing the potential for human error

Extended periods of walkaway operation are essential to the work carried out by Spanish energy producer Repsol, which relies on two Freedom EVO® platforms and Tecan’s 350 µl nested liquid handling disposable tips for its research into alternative energy sources.

Researchers at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory have completely automated an influenza hemagglutination inhibition assay on a Freedom EVO® workstation using the newly developed FluHema™ module from SciRobotics. It is the first laboratory in the world to achieve this, now running and analyzing up to 128 microplates daily with far better flexibility, reproducibility and overall assay performance.

The Sanford Health BioBank in the USA is using a Freedom EVO® HSM workstation and ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System for reliable, automated extraction of DNA from blood for genomic medical research.

A Freedom EVO® 150 workstation is providing the Central Diagnostic Laboratory at SAC Consulting with reproducible and reliable ELISA-based screening for Johne’s disease and other bacterial and viral pathogens in cattle. The system has increased the laboratory’s throughput by three-fold compared to manual processing, to an average of 1,000 samples a day.

Tab 06 / End of Sale

End of Sale - Frequently asked questions

  • Freedom EVO®
  • Freedom EVO NAE
  • Freedom EVOlyzer®-2
  • Freedom EVOlyzer-3
  • Freedom EVO Clinical
  • Freedom EVO ELISA

(*Regional differences may apply)

  • Freedom EVOWare
  • TouchTools
  • Freedom EVOware Sample Oriented
  • Freedom EVOware Normalisation
  • Freedom EVOware Hit Picking
  • Buffer Creation Wizard
  • Touch Tools PCR Wizard
  • TeChrom Wizard
  • EVOlution Software for EVOlyzer
  • EVOlution Software for EVO Clinical
  • Instrument Software

Yes, you will be able to purchase Freedom EVO and related products until December 31, 2025.

We will provide services and technical support (hardware and software) until June 30, 2033.

We highly recommend that you use Tecan-certified services to maintain instrument performance and reliability.

Yes, spare parts and consumables will be available until June 30, 2033, to ensure uninterrupted operation and support for your Freedom EVO product.

While significant software updates may cease after December 31, 2025, software support will be maintained until June 30, 2033. This includes bug fixes and essential updates.

Existing warranties will be honored until their expiration date, and service and support will continue as outlined until June 30, 2033.

To ensure continued technical support and access to the most advanced features, we encourage customers to consider transitioning to a newer Tecan platform before support for the Freedom EVO products ends on June 30, 2033.

Yes. We will provide trainings for these products throughout the support period, as long as there is a need.

Yes. We offer trade-in programs to help you transition to our next-generation solutions. Our goal is to provide you with solutions tailored to your specific application needs. Just reach out to us.

Transitioning to our next-generation platforms provides enhanced capabilities, improved efficiency, and access to the latest technological advancements to support your laboratory’s evolving needs.

We offer comprehensive support, including consultation, trade-in programs, application development and tailored training to ensure a smooth transition to a new Tecan platform.

Our team will work with you to ensure your transition to a new platform meets all regulatory standards and requirements.

The availability of Freedom EVO-based PB products may be extended in accordance with the contractual agreements made with each respective customer.

EVO Packages

Do you know already the Freedom EVO application specific packages?

Protein purification, PCR, NAP, NGS ...

Related Products

Disposable tips, labware, functional consumables

Independent Reviews

Latest Freedom EVO SelectScience Product Reviews

Journal of Laboratory Automation

Automated Gravimetric Calibration to Optimize the Accuracy and Precision of TECAN Freedom EVO Liquid Handler

Looking for a customized solution?

Are you looking for your own customized solution? Do you want to integrate a specific device?


Tecan Labwerx supports you in planning, realization and final installation of a tailor-made solution specifically designed for your needs.

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* For research use only.
All references to «Freedom EVO» documentation, promotional materials, and offers refer to the Freedom EVO series, including Freedom EVO-2.