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Clinical and toxicology laboratories are performing ever-increasing numbers of mass spectrometry-based assays, forcing them to address the major bottleneck in their workflows – manual sample preparation. Tecan provides tailored workflow automation solutions combining precise liquid handling with an in-depth understanding of major extraction technologies.
Tab 01 / Positive pressure SPE
SPE cartridges are used in a broad variety of labs – hospitals, toxicology service labs performing medicolegal drug testing, CROs doing bioanalytical/bioequivalence studies, and food contaminant testing labs.
The manual process is very labor-intensive, meaning technicians are prone to RSI and are routinely exposed to hazardous solvents. Human errors lead to lower TATs and more repeat tests, resulting in higher costs and lower overall efficiency.
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Tab 02 / Affinity capture
Mass spectrometry is becoming the tool of choice for biomarker research, due to its sensitivity, accuracy and ability to resolve PTMs. However, conventional enrichment and concentration methods for MS analysis can be labor-intensive and unreliable.
MSIA™ (Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay) Streptavidin EVO micro columns represent the next generation of affinity microcolumns, with the ability to capture and concentrate low abundance proteins from various sample types.
Easy automation of manual SPE methods using the Freedom EVO positive pressure SPE workstation reduces overall solvent consumption and operator exposure to hazardous solvents, with an intuitive TouchTools™ graphical user interface to minimize the need for user training.
End-to-end sample preparation for mass spectrometry using the Freedom EVO platform. Automate even the most challenging protocols, eliminating the bottleneck of manual sample preparation.
Overcoming the challenges associated with affinity purification methods using the Thermo Scientific MSIA™ workflow on the Freedom EVO® platform. This solution combines robust and high throughput liquid handling with MSIA Streptavidin EVO microcolumns for fast and accurate isolation of target analytes from complex biological matrices.
This workflow combines the Freedom EVO platform with MSIA Streptavidin EVO microcolumns and biotin-conjugated anti-IgG Fc affinity ligands to provide a highly sensitive and reproducible method for the quantitative analysis of human IgG mAbs of different subclasses. All the pre-analytical steps are performed on the Freedom EVO, using the MCA 96 for high throughput processing.
Combining the Freedom EVO platform with the MSIA Streptavidin EVO microcolumns enables the characterization of multiple intact mAbs over a wide dynamic range.
SPE sorbent screening with the Freedom EVO platform and the Strata-X 96-well SPE Method Development (MD) Plate (Phenomenex). This completely automated approach can quickly and efficiently identify the optimal SPE sorbent, as well as providing walkaway routine processing to eliminate manual sample preparation.
Development of an automated hydrolysis and SPE extraction method on a Freedom EVO platform, offering quantitative determination of opioids, cocaine and other metabolites in urine for forensic toxicology.
Combining the Freedom EVO positive pressure SPE workstation with the Phenomenex Strata-X 96-well SPE Method Development Plates offers a new paradigm in SPE method development for CROs and diagnostic labs, reducing development time from six to seven days to under two hours.
Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed innovative sample processing tools designed to simplify and accelerate analytical workflows. Offering automation-friendly affinity purification for proteins and antibodies, this provides a robust solution for high throughput preclinical research and development.
A Freedom EVO workstation is providing automated sample preparation for LC analysis of vitamins at the Medical Laboratories of the Reinier de Graaf Hospital, generating major time and cost savings and meeting the laboratory’s increasing throughput demands.
A Freedom EVO-based platform for automated antimicrobial susceptibility testing and MALDI-TOF sample preparation is proving beneficial to the Medical Laboratory Bremen, offering enhanced reproducibility compared to manual processes for more accurate results.
Tecan and RECIPE have automated analysis of vitamin D and immunosuppressants using a Freedom EVO platform and ClinMass® LC-MSMS Complete Kits, helping to meet the demand for high throughput sample preparation for mass spectrometry.
A Freedom EVO workstation is being used by the University Hospital of Padova to prepare LC-MSMS samples for immunosuppressant drug monitoring in transplant patients.
ADPEN Laboratories has invested in a Freedom EVO liquid handling platform for mass spectrometry sample preparation.